For the 2024 edition will be guests of the Off Road 4x4 area, managed by the JES association (Jeepers East Coast Side and Eventi4x4), some young Champions who will offer great emotions even to physically disabled, who can become "CO-PILOT FOR A DAY" thanks to the initiative of the Manocchi Off Road Team. The Team will offer the opportunity to try to sit on a racing car in complete safety and totally free. Waiting for them is Michele Manocchi, also disabled and involved with his sons and Champions Giada and Kevin in various national and foreign Cross Country Baja competitions (supported by the Piacenza LTS Racing Team). The tests will take place aboard the special Side by Side Yamaha branded cars with which it will be possible to bring a moment of sport and smile to people less fortunate, but ready for the emotions that motorsport can give.
Gianna Vardanega
tel. 328.9779064
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
sito: www.jesasd.it
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